Our oak limed grain corner post is mainly used to create a better join between two cabinets on a corner. The angled shape allows for easy scribing and securing to your cabinets.
You will need to provide the Internal Dimensions of the corner post, please see the diagram in our image gallery.
If you choose our pre-set size it will be finished on both edges to that size.
if (json['error']['recurring']) {
' + json['error']['recurring'] + '
// Highlight any found errors
$("#stick-right .has-error").remove();
*Please Select Required Options
//Scroll to the first element that has the .has-error class
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//Stop the window from being scrolled; put into function for DRY
function scrollStop(source){
// console.log("scrollStop called from: " + source);
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$(window).unbind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll");
//Detects if the mouse scroll wheel is being scrolled up or down and then stops the animation from being completed.
$(window).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(event){
if(event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || event.originalEvent.wheelDelta 0){
//Keydown used as to catch if the arrow keys have been used
$(document).on("keydown", function(e){
//As of 27/09/18 untested on mobile
$(document).on("tap", function(e){
//As of 27/09/18 untested on mobile
$(document).on("swipe", function(e){
if (json['success']) {
var addedProductAlert = document.querySelector('.alert-update-product');
if (addedProductAlert) {
$('#cart > ul .basket-container-inner').load('index.php?route=common/cart/info ul li', function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
if (textStatus == 'success') {
function initializeCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, cookieExpiry) {
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const basketHighlightTooltips = [
id: 'view-basket-proceed',
heading: 'View Basket',
body: 'View basket to proceed to checkout or save a quote.',
id: 'banner-kitchen-3d-viewer',
heading: 'Naked Kitchens 3D Viewer',
body: 'View your cabinets in our 3D planner',
// Divs to attach tooltips
const highlightAreas = {
qoute: document.querySelector('#view-basket-proceed'),
banner: document.querySelector('#kitchen-3d-banner-link'),
const highlightTooltip = (attachArea, options) => {
var current = 1;
var arrowCloseBool = false;
// create tootlips and attach to elements
const setupDomElement = () => {
for (var i = 0; i