Maple is a wood of phenomenal hardness and exotic beauty. The grain varies like waves breaking on rocks, which creates some of the finest and most elegant figuring seen in wood. It is crucial for Maple - in this case Black Maple - to come from areas where there are incredibly hard winters. The Maple used is from the very northern States in America, for example Vermont (the home of Maple syrup), New Hampshire and Maine, or from Southern Canada. The sort of places where you would expect to have snow on the ground for five months straight.
Norfolk Oak produce their Maple worktops in the widest super stave design, that offer long continuous planks which allow you to see the amazing grain pattern.
Norfolk Oak offers 3 treating options for their worktops, you can order your sample with one of the following:
Untreated - Norfolk Oak recommend oiling the worktop on site if your select this opton.
Pre-Oiled - The worktop is oiled before being sent out to you.
Nano Coating - This is a durable coating applied to your worktop, to find out more please visit Norfolk Oak's Information Page
For more information about this type of Worktop, and the finishing options, please visit Norfolk oak.
Order a sample to see the quality of our worktops for yourself.
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