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Take a quick tour to learn how to navigate the Kitchen Planner.
ExitTouch the screen to rotate around the room. Use two fingers to pan the view. Pinch the screen to zoom.
ExitYou can change the camera view by first tapping on the 'Views' option. Tap on the highlighted menu option to continue.
ExitThe first option is the default '3D' view, and the second is 'Plan' view. The other options are 'Elevation' views which point the camera at each wall. Try selecting 'Plan' view.
ExitIn Plan and Elevation views, you can tap to select a wall and drag to resize the room.
ExitYou can also resize the room by tapping on the labels around the outside of the room and typing in a value. Tap either 'Resize Left' or 'Resize Right' to choose which direction the room will resize from.
ExitAdd decorations to the room such as doors and windows by finding them in the 'Decor' tab.
ExitAdd cabinets to the room by selecting them from the 'Products' tab.
ExitLong press and drag to add an item to the room.
ExitHere you can view the cabinet close up and customise it using the options shown. When finished, tap 'Done' to exit edit mode.
ExitItem numbers can be used to help identify cabinets in the room. To use them, first tap the settings icon in the top right of the page.
ExitItem numbers can be toggled on and off by tapping the switch. Try tapping the switch to display the item numbers.
ExitTap the cabinet to select it. Move it by tapping and dragging.
ExitOpen up the context menu by
ExitItems have several different options that can be accessed through this menu. The 'Edit' button allows you to make changes to the selected item, and 'Move' offers a precise way to position it.
ExitUse the 'Apply to...' option to copy style options from the currently selected item to other applicable items in the room.
ExitOnce your plan is complete, you can tap the 'Proceed' button to talk to us about your kitchen quote.
ExitNow you know how to use the Kitchen Planner! Try adding some more items to your plan and create something great! To repeat the tutorial at any time, tap on the question mark icon in the top right of the page, then choose 'Tutorial'.
ExitBuilding Room